IT Checkup - Is your IT fit?

IT Checkup - Is your IT fit?

With an IT Checkup we examine your local technology at home or in the office. IT is always subject to rapid change, it's not just about threat fields from the Internet, that is only part of it, IT should be viewed from different perspectives and without IT it is hardly possible these days.

Let your IT be viewed from the outside, an IT checkup is like a second opinion, we ask critical and sometimes unpleasant questions, it's not just about identifying weaknesses, we want to help you understand your IT better.

Our approach is simple; we have developed an IT Question Catalogue that contains all important IT topics, we will go through these questions with you on site so that we can visit the IT immediately, the whole IT check-up process takes about 4-5 hours depending on your current envrionment.

We then create documentation with your solution, in it you will find our suggestions for improvements, our approach is based on the principle of common sense our many years of IT experience help us a lot, We know what works and what doesn't and we are sure that an IT checkup will bring you added value to your company or your personal life.

If you are interested, call us or use the contact form, we would be very pleased to hear from you.


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