
The Internet connects computers worldwide

It enables the exchange of information and data at the speed of light. We also bring the internet to you. Cheap, safe, effective.

Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider

Depending on the location, we use different technologies such as DSL, fiber optics, leased lines or wireless to allow you to connect to the Internet via our backbone. Speeds of up to 10 Gbps are possible.
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If you have your own ASN, we can connect your network to ours via BGP. Thus, you get the global access to the Internet through us. Our network AS29655 is designed redundantly and with multiple 10GgigE connections.


We have developed a multi-layered protection concept to protect against criminal attacks from the Internet.
Monitoring and automatic protection measures help to alleviate such attacks.



We can still order IPv4 Internet addresses, but the implementation of IPv6 is progressing inexorably. Our backbone has been IPv6 ready since 2008. Do you want us to introduce IPv6 to you? Ask our network team.



Register your internet domain through us.
A good domain name is easy to remember and therefore should not be too long and fit with you or your product.



Whether a simple web address or a complex eShop with shopping cart and connections to the CRM. With our CMSmaster we can create your homepage and publish it on the internet.
You choose the design and deliver the texts to us, we organize the rest.



Internet security is becoming increasingly important. The SSL certificate encrypts the transfer of information between the viewer and the server. You can buy the SSL certificates from us and secure your webpage with it.



In addition to our own custom CMS system, CMSmaster, we have also programmed iSHOPmaster, NEWSmaster and several other modules. We also offer the development of individual Internet applications. As a programming framework we use ColdFusion, Java and jQuery.