Backup cloud storage in Switzerland

Thanks to our solution, you can quickly backup your data to the cloud. The cloud is a backup storage in our data center in Switzerland. You know exactly where your data is stored. You can back up servers, desktops or laptops. Only a small program needs to be installed. The backup software runs in the background and performs regular backups. The platforms Windows and Linux and MAC are supported.

Backup – Why do I need that?

On average, one person loses at least two IT items per year and less than half of them are found again. It's not just the value of the item that hurts. Most people who lose a device are more annoyed about the loss of data than about the device itself.

Every year there are a lot of new viruses or ransomware. The protection programs can not all recognize reliably. Especially very new viruses.

Other situations that can lead to data loss:
- theft
- natural hazards (water, fire, etc.)
- Hardware failure, eg. Hard drive is broken

Your data is in Danger!

A local backup is a good start to securing your data, but this backup can also be affected by pests. That's why it's necessary to back up to the cloud. The backup will be stored externally.

Here you can find a Manual For the Free Veaam Agent for windows. It allows you to back up desktops and servers to local media.

Backup Speicher in the Cloud – Who needs that?


Who wants to be affected by data loss? Cloud storage is suitable for individuals and businesses. It closes the gap of dangerous everyday occurrences like file damage, hardware failures, theft, fire and viruses.

Cloud Backup – How does it work?

Cloud Backups are fairly simple:
1. The selected data is prepared for backup to the cloud.
2. The data is compressed and encrypted.
3. You will be sent over the internet to our cloud and secured.
4. You can retrieve the data yourself with the agent.

Cloud Backup Speicher

The data should be at least 3x. 1x productive and 2x as backup. A local backup and the 2nd backup is external to our cloud storage. With us your data is also stored fail-safe.
We offer the Veeam backup solution for Windows desktops and Windows servers. There is also an agent for Linux. For MACs, we offer the Acronis backup solution.
Are you already backing up your data with the Veeam-Backup solution? No problem. The existing backup jobs can also be backed up to the cloud.
It is also possible to rent your own server in our data center or to operate it yourself.
Protect your data with our cloud storage!

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